Saturday, April 30, 2005


As a painter I don't really make a lot of time to read hardcover books, but this author asks you to read ONLY one chapter a day. So far I am enjoying it and can't wait until the next chapters. The title is "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren.
It puts things into perspective because we really are only here for a short time.
I would like to grow old, with grey hair and perhaps wiser but what's important is that I always have my bags packed in case today is my last day here.
My Grandmother used to read the Bible to me each night and I know her prayers have helped me through many trials. Just as her prayers have been a blessing to me, I hope this book will help others to find purpose in their life.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Art, the Universal Language

After visitng the websites of artists around the world, I do believe that there is hope for mankind. While history books inform us about wars through the centuries, artists have created paintings reflecting times of uncertainty and a hope for peace. On this planet, there are artists in every country who share the same delight in watching the sunlight on a landscape. For me, it is an honor to be one of those artists and I hope that art will continue to be shared and learned from by all global citizens.
I was encouraged to draw and create when I was a child. It is my prayer that the Arts will be encouraged in every nation so that there will be an increasing number of people who will slow down and appreciate the sunlight on a landscape.